Virtual Firewalls (Contexts)


You have worked as a network engineer for many companies, but now you have started your own collocated datacenter. At the starting, due to budget constraints, you want to be smart and decided to share a single physical firewall (Cisco ASA) between two customers i.e. Customer-A and Customer-B.


  • Both customers should feel that they have a separate Firewall for them.
  • None of the Customers should be able to manage others firewall policies.
  • Customer-A has opted for Silver plan, so allocate the resources accordingly.
  • Customer-B has opted for Gold plan, so allocate the resources as per plan.

Physical Topology
Virtual Firewalls' Physical Topology

Logical Topology
Virtual Firewalls' Logical Topology

Download the gns3 topology here:
Multiple Contexts_solved.rar

Router IOS: c3725-advipservicesk9-mz.124-17.bin
ASA Software version: 8.4(2)
ASA Hardware: ASA 5520


Solution to the above scenario is to create virtual firewalls (also called contexts) in Cisco ASA with three contexts, one for Customer-A, second for Customer-B, and the third one will be admin context for Management of the physical box with admin access. To create contexts on Cisco ASA, you'll need to enable multiple mode, using the following command:
CiscoASA(config)# mode multiple
after which you will be prompted to reboot the ASA. When you convert from single mode to multiple mode, the ASA converts the running configuration into two files: a new startup configuration that comprises the system configuration, and admin.cfg that comprises the admin context (in the root directory of the internal Flash memory). The original running configuration is saved as old_running.cfg (in the root directory of the internal Flash memory). The original startup configuration is not saved. The ASA automatically adds an entry for the admin context to the system configuration with the name "admin". After reboot, firewall will boot into multiple mode and we can proceed towards contexts configuration.
! Enable auto generation of mac-address for shared physical interfaces

mac-address auto

! enable the physical interfaces

interface GigabitEthernet0
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet2
no shutdown

! Create class and assign resources to the class
! that will be used for membership of contexts

class SILVER
  limit-resource Xlates 50
  limit-resource ASDM 2
  limit-resource Hosts 50
  limit-resource Conns 500
  limit-resource SSH 2
  limit-resource Telnet 2
class GOLD
  limit-resource Telnet 5
  limit-resource SSH 5
  limit-resource Conns 1000
  limit-resource Hosts 150
  limit-resource ASDM 5
  limit-resource Xlates 150

! allocate a physical interface to the admin
! context so that we can manage the box via SSH.

admin-context admin
context admin
  allocate-interface GigabitEthernet0
  config-url disk0:/admin.cfg

! Create and configure contexts for Customer-A and Customre-B

context Customer-A
  member SILVER
  allocate-interface GigabitEthernet0 Untrusted_Intf
  allocate-interface GigabitEthernet1 Trusted_Intf
  config-url disk0:/Customer-A.cfg
context Customer-B
  member GOLD
  allocate-interface GigabitEthernet0 Untrusted_Intf
  allocate-interface GigabitEthernet2 Trusted_Intf
  config-url disk0:/Customer-B.cfg

To switch back and forth at context and system execution space, use the following commands:
! In order to change to a context,

CiscoASA# changeto context <context name>

! In order to change to the system execution space

CiscoASA# changeto system

Now, let's configure the contexts. Let's first configure the admin context.
! Assign IP address, security level and name the interfaces

interface GigabitEthernet0
 nameif OUTSIDE
 security-level 0
 ip address

! Enable SSH access as desired, here we'll allow SSH access for all

aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL

! configure a default route


! create a user, which will be used to manage the context

username admin password *****

Now, configure the context Customer-A
! Assign IP address, security level and name the interfaces

interface Untrusted_Intf
 nameif OUTSIDE
 security-level 0
 ip address
interface Trusted_Intf
 nameif INSIDE
 security-level 100
 ip address

! Enable SSH access as desired, here we'll allow SSH access for all

aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL

! configure a default route


! create a user, which will be used to manage the context

username user1 password *****

And configure  the context Customer-B
! Assign IP address, security level and name the interfaces

interface Untrusted_Intf
 nameif OUTSIDE
 security-level 0
 ip address
interface Trusted_Intf
 nameif INSIDE
 security-level 100
 ip address

! Enable SSH access as desired, here we'll allow SSH access for all

aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL

! configure a default route


! create a user, which will be used to manage the context

username user2 password *****

To save the configuration of system as well as all the context, us the following command from the system execution space.
CiscoASA# write memory all

You can change the admin context using the following command
admin-context <context_name>

You can see the existing contexts using show context command

CiscoASA# sh context
Context Name   Class     Interfaces        URL
*admin         default   GigabitEthernet0  disk0:/admin.cfg
 Customer-A    SILVER    GigabitEthernet0, disk0:/Customer-A.cfg
 Customer-B    GOLD      GigabitEthernet0, disk0:/Customer-B.cfg
Total active Security Contexts: 3

When you convert the mode of firewall from single to multiple using the command mode multiple, Cisco ASA saves a copy of running-config to flash: under the name of old_running.cfg, and creates a new context named admin with admin privileges. You can verify the config files in the flash using the dir command.

CiscoASA# dir
Directory of disk0:/
5    drwx  4096   11:21:46 Sep 03 2013  log
15   drwx  4096   11:21:56 Sep 03 2013  coredumpinfo
36   -rwx  2218   06:47:32 Oct 06 2013  old_running.cfg
37   -rwx  2093   03:21:18 Oct 08 2013  admin.cfg
38   -rwx  1913   03:21:21 Oct 08 2013  Customer-A.cfg
39   -rwx  1911   03:21:26 Oct 08 2013  Customer-B.cfg
20   drwx  4096   13:20:56 Sep 03 2013  boot
28   -rwx  0      09:27:40 Sep 04 2013  nat_ident_migrate
40   drwx  4096   09:39:28 Sep 06 2013  tmp
268136448 bytes total (267718656 bytes free)


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